Audio Visual Health Check

ENERGISE your meeting spaces

Book your Health Check

AV health checks

Just like any other technology, AV systems require regular check-ups to ensure optimal performance. That's where our AV health checks come in. Keep your Audio Visual equipment in peak condition, reduce the risk of failure and avoid unbudgeted cost. Experience the difference a well-maintained AV system can make to your meetings.

Talk to us about an AV Health Check

Technical Audio Visual Training on Equipment

Systems & functionality

Unreliable AV equipment can disrupt your meetings and hinder productivity. Our expert team will thoroughly test your systems and ensure that everything is working as it should.

Audio Visual Meeting Room Control System Touch Panel

Maintenance & updates

Our fully trained engineers will undertake routine manufacturer recommended maintenance and updates for you. We'll focus on optimizing audio quality, video clarity and overall system functionality to give you the best meeting experience.

Person Using Video Conferencing Touch Screen Panel

Post-visit report

We'll keep you up to date with the performance of your system, providing you with a comprehensive report detailing actions and recommendations to ensure that your technology works perfectly every time.

AuDeo Meeting with Customer Initial Discovery Meeting