Adaptable meeting rooms for the flexible office

Open up traditional meeting spaces to a new world of possibilities. We’ll help you to create truly multifunctional spaces enabling you to make effective use of your office space with large training areas and impressive conference rooms that quickly and easily divide into smaller meeting spaces.

Audio Visual solutions for dividing rooms

Creating truly flexible and effective multifunctional meeting spaces requires a combination of Audio Visual technologies that are designed to work seamlessly together. Our Audio Visual solutions allow you to unite the technology for use in large spaces or enable the technologies to work individually in smaller rooms. Our team of experts will work with you to create inspiring, flexible meeting spaces that work the way you want them to.

Modern & impressive AV

We design all of our AV solutions to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability, without compromise on style or quality. From high quality displays, speakers and microphones through to Video Conferencing and presentation solutions, we have access to all the latest and most innovative technologies for your meeting spaces. We’ll fully integrate best of breed products creating a truly impressive setup to compliment your space and wow your visitors.

People in a Meeting

Design complexity & ease of use

Our tailored designs bring together the complex elements of your Audio Visual solution ensuring that your flexible spaces fulfil your requirements in a simple and easy to use format.

Our design services

Person Working on Audio Visual Meeting Room Designs on Tablet

Control systems

Our well designed and thought-out control systems allow easy navigation between your room layouts. Just one touch will set up everything in the background for you.

Audio Visual Meeting Room Control System Touch Panel

Uniting the audio

Our experienced design team will ensure that every angle of your audio is covered. We’ll unite your audio to operate as one, covering your larger spaces and ensure that your audio is equally as high quality in your smaller rooms.

Audio Visual Product Video Conferencing Speaker and Camera


All of our designs are built with security at the centre. Our knowledgeable team of designers will ensure that you can lock down individual rooms, making sure that content shown in one meeting space can’t be viewed in others.

Secure your audio-visual solutions with AuDeo – offering robust systems designed to protect your meeting room technology and ensure seamless operation.

Trusted ongoing support

Whether you are looking for a trusted pair of hands to support your equipment or need a basic level of assistance to keep your existing equipment going, we’ve got you covered with our flexible range of services and support designed to help you get the most out of your meeting room solution and match your budget.

Our AV support

Person Working on Audio Visual Meeting Room Designs on Screen

Come and see our AV solutions in action

Book a tour of our experience centre and see exactly how our Audio Visual technologies could work for you in your environment.

Book your tour

People Meeting in the AuDeo Experience Centre Meeting Rooms

The AuDeo difference

We’ll take care of all aspects of your project for you from pre-sales consultancy and project management, through to installation and support. You’ll have a single point of contact to guide you through everything.

Greeting a Customer with a Handshake